Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I have not fallen off the face of the planet!

Here are a few things I've been up to:

1. Ran the Denver Marathon October 17. Managed a 3:52, which was a tad too slow for Boston Qualification. Stressed a bit the next day about trying to qualify and the decision was made for me by 5:00 that night when Boston filled up in an unprecedented 8 hours. Oh well...can't say I didn't give it a fair shake. I was happy with my performance and let go of the BQ goal at about mile 16 when the pace began slowing. Sometimes it's important to be flexible. The marathon was a wonderful bridge for me after the Ironman...to come off the incredible accomplishment, but still have a goal.

2. Kids are all in school full time. I am happy with the schedule, but can feel a bit "unproductive". The feeling eventually passes and I get busy with kids at 3:30 for the next 5 hours every day.

3. I've been questioning a lot about my faith. I am 100% certain now that I am on the right path of grace and love. I am tired of Christians, frankly. I want to make a difference for Jesus in the world through love.

4. We are moving forward in becoming Foster Parents through Boulder County. Our first day of "training" is next week. I am very interested to see where we wind up with all of this. As in Ironman, I am getting more excited than scared. I cannot wait to meet our new "peeps" soon.

5. Hopped in the pool for the first time in two months. I swam 2400 yards and it was awesome...looking forward to getting rolling again.

6. Starting Pilates this week with an instructor friend. I'll let you know what I think.

7. Considering my goals for next season. I'm thinking about shooting for sprint and olympic distance triathlons, one half ironman and running races, namely the half marathon distance.

8. Enjoying an easy week and contemplating painting.

I am feeling great after the marathon. My body healed and recovered quickly. It's so nice to have the fitness base that I do now. I am wondering what next season will look like. I would like to see some faster times with the shorter distances, since I've been focusing on such long distances. It is really neat to know that I can do a lot more than I give myself credit for!