Monday, March 29, 2010

Quick Recap

Here I am again. Time is flying lately. I will first recap how last week worked out. I took Thursday off after a 10.5 mile run on Wednesday night. Kids were home all day Wednesday because of a "snow day" which really should not have been. Friday brought me to my long ride of 75 miles and a 3.2 mile run. I was so nervous and scared, but once I got going it turned out alright. I wouldn't say I felt "awesome" or "fantastic" but I did it and got it over with. My first steps for the run were ruthless and unknown, but once I got my feet under me I managed a nice little clip and kept it going. After my workout, shower, quick sandwich, I bolted to get Andrew from a playdate and the other two from school, then we busted a move to Glenwood Springs for the weekend.

Glenwood was fabulous. I canned the swim workout I didn't get in and used Saturday and Sunday to hang in the Hot Springs, play at the park, eat and just be a family. Aside from the tricky stretch on I-70 over Vail Pass...all was wonderful. We spent the majority of the day at the Springs and hotel couldn't get enough.

This morning I eeked out a 13.5 mile run. I'm so glad that I did the first 8 with a friend. I was not feeling in it. I just got my monthly visitor (after 33 days, mind you...normally I'm a 24-26 day girl), so I'm tuckered from that and not sleeping well last night. I kept dreaming my child was getting abducted, so that shot the night of sleep. Oh least I woke up before my alarm.

Hopefully with a little rest and recovery today, I'll be ready to hit the pool and a bike ride tomorrow. We'll see! I am onto week #26 already..only 12 more to go before the big day (two of which are taper, so really only 10). I cannot believe I am this far along...truly it is a miracle.

The kids and I are doing spring cleaning today. I bribed them...if they willingly cleaned their rooms with little involvement from me, I'd buy them something. Man, it got them hopping...we've been recycling and donating all morning. It will feel wonderful when that little truck comes by and hauls it all away on that feeling!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Favorite

Here is a great interview of Ryan Hall


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The "Should Monster"

So, stabilizer is over. I had a sick child for a chunk of the week, so workouts were fit in here and there. I was grateful for the physical and mental break. On Saturday, Eric was out of town, plus it was cold and snowy outside, I found myself battling the "Should Monster". I have labeled this little voice in my head, he seems to sit on my right shoulder whispering things I should do...over and over and over again. The day really did not lend itself to much, with tired kids and a tired mommy. It was a perfect day to do nothing. However, I spent the majority of the day thinking things like, "I should find something fun for us to do". Or "I should ride the trainer, anyway." Or "You really should do crafts, play games, read, etc. with the kids". Or (this is the best one), "Other moms are way more fun than you are". Needless to say, I didn't want to do any of those things, yet felt like a loser because of that damn monster. Finally, I learned to live with it, knowing it would eventually pass. Plus I knew that two weeks of build were coming up and the s**t was really gonna hit the fan come Monday.

Well, in hindsight, I am so glad I ignored the voice. Turns out I was able to start my workout week on Sunday (because of taking Saturday off). The weather was perfect for a ride, so I got my tempo ride out of the way. And it looks like Friday I can do my long ride. Everything is working itself out for all of us to get away this weekend. If I had worked out (or run around like a crazy lady) on Saturday, none of this would have been possible.

Here's what Week #25 looks like:

Sunday: 39 mile tempo ride (check)
Monday: 12.5 mile run (check)
Tuesday: 90 min spin (check), 1200 swim (supposed to be 1900, but ran out of time) (check)
Weds: 9.5 mi tempo run
Thursday: 2400 swim
Friday: 76 mile ride/3.5 mile run (ahhh...scary)

I am just amazed at how this week is falling into place..offers for playdates and carpooling have been just Providential! I'll let you know how it all shakes out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I really like stabilizer weeks (now, not so much last time). It allows time and space for my body and mind to recover, refocus and reflect on where I've come and where I'm going. This week has been rather quiet. The workouts are mellow (or mellower), plus my daughter has been ill, so we've spent a lot of time at home. I have also experienced a very low grade stomach bug, so I am just resting and being present with her, as much as I can. Thankfully it is stabilizer, so I can do just that.

In my prayer time this morning I was reminded of my need for patience and perspective. It seems, in our culture, that these things get thrown by the wayside. However, I am finding in the Ironman journey that it's all about's going the long haul and seeing small, gradual improvements along the way. I am not talking totally about physical changes, although those are nice, but the mental and spiritual changes that will shape and move me for the rest of my life. The physical changes are evident, and I am grateful. The mental and spiritual pieces, though, are the foundation I need to live intentionally, meaningfully, purposefully, and lovingly. I used to think (until this morning, thank you God) that the Ironman was my ultimate goal, that it was what I was accomplishing. Now my belief is that it is the springboard for the rest of my life. I am changing so much as a person, a woman, a mother, wife and friend. My strengths, passions and desires are starting to emerge. I am seeing that I am more than what I do, but I am moved and shaped by God. His strength dwells in me and as long as I remain seeking, praying and growing in Him, He will do great things.

I have spent so much time trying to live the "Christian Way" (or what I've perceived it to be over the years). I am really done with it. I don't want to be demure, proper, or quiet. I want to speak my mind, to tackle goals, to live adventurously...taking risks and screwing up. I want to find what makes me alive. What is holding me down? What is keeping me from running the race that God has intended me to run? Where have I limited him, telling him he can't do that thing? Where have I put God in a box and labeled him?

I truly am amazed and impressed by how I am emerging. It is really nothing like I is so much better. God is so good, he desires us to live fully and he wants to give us good things. I just have to remember that his ways are perfect and mine are definitely not!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wrapping it up: Week #23

I successfully accomplished my week #23. I was thinking, going into the week, that it was going to be tough to get it all done, mainly because of my cold, but my body rallied and I finished with flying colors. I am awed by what my mind and body are achieving right now. It is rather remarkable!

My brick went very well on Saturday. I didn't start until 1:45, which is very rare for me. Usually, on the weekends (or most days), I'm taking my nap at that time. I was sooo nervous, my stomach was churning. I just had no idea what to expect with the new bike, attempting a ride I've never done before, and by myself. I hopped on my new ride and took off. Getting into the aero position was new for me, but all in all it felt so good, effortless really. I did get sore in places that I haven't known and new muscles were being taxed, due to the position change, but I was pleasantly surprised. I rode the Carter Lake Loop, for 46 miles, all by myself...amazing. Once I got to the lake, I had a moment and realized that I am the person, doing the things I always wanted to do. Wow. I cannot believe this is me. Just incredible!

When I started the run, I was a bit skeptical if I could do it all (10 miles), but I started in a nice zone 2 clip. After the warm up, I managed 3 zone 3 repeats, with a 2 minute walking break after each. It felt actually really good and did it in an overall pace of 9:20...good for me, especially after all I did before that. So, again, surprising myself seems to be the order of the day. I'll take it!

Stabilizer week coming up!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Eating Crow

I am working through something in my head this morning. I am not sure how to tactfully say it, so I will just say what's on my mind. I have a confession to make. Before training for this Ironman and realizing the commitment to get in workouts, make sacrifices, and push myself farther physically than I ever have, I was very judgmental. I used to hear about what people did in their workouts and be kind of snotty about it. I'm not sure where the reaction came from, if it was envy, or admiration, or just not understanding. Isn't that where our judgment lies? Not understanding? So, I apologize to all of you out there who have been on the passive receiving end of my judgment. Please forgive me.

It is rather interesting, now that I'm on this side of things. I understand the perceptions of others, since I've been there, certainly. But, it doesn't feel very good. It's not the random comment that bothers me, like, "You're crazy", but the quiet questioning. I may be reading into things more than I should, that's my way, so I am extending the benefit of the doubt. I am just glad that I have become aware, so I can check myself, when that little monster rears it's ugly head again, because it always does. I'm at the point now where I want to be proud and act like it, rather than sheepish and apologetic regarding my Ironman goal. I have no idea where I get this, but I am tired of it.

On another note, I received my bike this week and haven't had a chance to ride it. I must admit that I'm nervous thinking about it. What if it doesn't like me? I will get the chance this afternoon. I am putting off my brick (47 mi bike/10 mi run) until after my oldest's basketball game today. I wanted to see him play and more importantly wanted the insurance of support if something bad happens. Now I know Eric will be close by if there's a technical difficulty (not that I can't change my own tire or anything). So, my afternoon and evening will be spent outside on this beautiful, gorgeous, Colorado day...guess I can't ask for a better time. Well, maybe the beach in Hawaii...but that's not happening.

Thank you all for reading and accepting my apology. This training thing is really opening my eyes to a lot! And it's not always a pretty sight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Back to work this week. We had a great time in New Mexico. I managed to contract my child's cold, so it worked out perfectly to be sick at Grandma and Grandpa's. I wasn't really required to do anything other than lay on the couch and read. I did get in an 8.5 miler and a 5.5 miler while there, sandwiched around the nasty cold day.

My week so far is pretty easy. I've frontloaded my easy workouts just to let my body heal. This morning I did a 70 minute ride to Grey's Anatomy and swam easy while Andrew had his swim lesson...worked out to 1000 yards straight through. Sometimes those swims are nice, just to let me feel the water and relax.

The next two days won't be such a cakewalk, though. An 11.5 mile run (with 2 zone 4 repeats...ahhh) for tomorrow with a tempo swim, followed by a 36 mile tempo ride Thursday are on the docket. I'll get through them and be so happy. I get my bike tomorrow. Hopefully I can get on it sometime this week, the weather isn't supposed to be the greatest, though.

So, a bit of mindless rambling for this Tuesday. It's all good!

Friday, March 5, 2010

So Happy

So....I deserve a big, monstrous, round of applause...I changed my own tire on the road!! Yes, me! And, I didn't get mad or throw things or even cry. I very matter of factly took my tire off (rear tire, too. I know, wow!) pulled out the supplies and got to work. I am so incredibly proud of myself. And, to congratulate, I cut my ride short by 7 miles. I know I deserve more..I'll crack out the coffee here in a minute. I am so satisfied.

The day didn't start out this great though. We are heading out of town, to Angel Fire, to ski and see family. Mornings for this "non-packing mom" really suck for my kids. I called them pigs (because they leave their stuff everywhere) and wasn't very nice. Guess I have some making up to do.

On another note, my Week #22 is wrapping up very well. I just love my new mind set and it has really played out in my workouts this week. Today was supposed to be a 35 mile tempo ride, but cut it to 28 miles. I was not just proud of myself for the tire change but for even going outside. Even now, it's only 40 degrees, and the wind picked up nicely as I was headed east...brrrr. I decided a nice warm shower, blog and lunch was deserved by me. My final workout will be tomorrow in the 8.5 tempo run. I do love to run there and I work really hard since we're at a higher altitude. I should have no problem achieving my 2 x 1.5 mile zone 4 repeats, but I probably won't feel too great about them. Oh well.

So, the run down for the week was:

1000 tempo swim (supposed to 1750, but child was in other pool for swim lessons and I couldn't finish)
28 mile ride (in basement)
11 mile run
65 mile long ride (supposed to have a 3 mile run after, but didn't)
2150 swim (completed creatively)
28 mile tempo ride (supposed to be 35)
8.5 mile tempo run

As you can see...a very full week, but a good week. I gave it my best effort and am looking forward to a little time on the slopes, very patiently helping my children ski (not gonna happen), or maybe I'll just stay home and read. Whatever happens, I am ready for week #23.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

65 mile ride/3 mile run (NOT!)

Today was a momentous occasion for marked the first real ride of the season outside, and it was 65 miles. Man, I'm tired. I was supposed to run afterwards and just didn't have it..I started to run and managed 1/2 mile, then turned around and went home. I feel super slow right now, and sore. You just don't use the same muscles in the basement as you do on the road. The day was lovely and I am soooo ready for a nap, but, alas..time to get the kids from school and start the second half of the day. I guess this stuff is what makes me an Ironman. Not the workouts as much as it is fitting them in, doing them, then realizing the world doesn't revolve around me and laundry/dinner/basketball practice/school pickup all still happens. It's all good. One thing we can all count on is that I will sleep AWESOME tonight!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blah blah blahty blah

Training is progressing nicely this week, although it's only Tuesday morning. I had an 11 mile run yesterday with 4 x 1 mile zone 3 repeats. My times didn't really come down from three weeks ago, but I can certainly say I held steady. The rest of the run went well aside from lots and lots of mud and a malfunctioning ipod. Oh well. I figure any adversity is good, knowing that I will face lots during the Ironman.

This morning I watched the final Bachelor episode while riding on the trainer for 98 minutes. It was fine..neither was very exciting. Later today I will do a 1750 swim (hopefully) while Andrew has his swim lesson.

Tomorrow is my long ride..66 miles plus a 3 mile run. The weather really seems to be cooperating...should hit the 60s by tomorrow, which means I may be able to do much of the ride outdoors. I have to admit it scares me a little to ride outside, but once I get going it will be great.

So, all in all, I've embraced the week...getting things done. We are heading down to Angel Fire on Friday afternoon so I'm packing everything I can before we leave. Not much to report. Grateful for my new mindset and focus.