Monday, June 21, 2010

Six Days!

Yikes. It's almost here. Weeks in my life fly by like nobody's this will be here before I know it. Crazy. I have kind of forgotten how hard I've worked to get here. I had to re-read some of my journal entries this morning to remind myself that I have worked my a$$ off...almost literally (I wish). So, six days from now I will be just starting. My nerves will be done, I will be in the water fighting for my space. I will be doing my best to keep my heart rate down, to realize I have 13 (I hope) or more hours to go. I will be celebrating the start of one of the biggest days of my life...wondering what the day has in store. Wondering how God will surprise me next. I will be keeping the voices in my head at bay, by reminding myself of God's Word and his goodness. I will be swimming the best I can with 2399 other people...celebrating the opportunity to even be in such a beautiful place, doing something I love. I will be thinking about the remarkable gift this is to my children, for them to see their mom set a goal and achieve it, while working very hard to keep their lives as normal as possible. I will be thinking about my wonderful husband and his generous heart and great love for me. I will be thinking about breathing, about swimming, about defending my territory...not about biking or running. I'll have plenty of time to think about those.

I am going to start packing my stuff today, particularly the things for Race Day. I want to rest my mind about needing to remember this or that. I am floored by how much stuff is required to do this sport (and how much money is invested). I will pack my kids tomorrow, get meds for the dog, arrange for feeding of the minor animals, return library books, cancel mail delivery, clean house (kind of), and the myriad of other things that will occur to me.

We fly out on Thursday. I cannot wait to see my enjoy their company. We are staying away from the race venue, so hopefully I can rest and relax a bit beforehand. We will see!

Thank you to all of you for your support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers. I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I do.


  1. You have a great attitude going into this thing we call the Ironman. I am very confident you will do well. Have a great time and remember I will be cheering for you from Colorado Springs!

  2. Hi Jen, I'm a former coworker of Jeremy's and I heard you're doing you're first Ironman on Saturday! GOOD LUCK! Just remember to embrace the day and enjoy it, even when you are hurting. I did my first 6 months ago and would love to be doing another this weekend. It's an amazing experience. I'm going to be tracking you online and cheering for you! Every time you cross a timing mat, know that your family and friends who aren't there with you finally get a chance to know how you're doing on the course, so smile. You sound like you've got a great attitude going in! Remember to smile big for the finish photo with your hands in the air like the champion that you are!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!! I managed to see you cross the finish while watching live online!
