Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wrapping it up: Week #23

I successfully accomplished my week #23. I was thinking, going into the week, that it was going to be tough to get it all done, mainly because of my cold, but my body rallied and I finished with flying colors. I am awed by what my mind and body are achieving right now. It is rather remarkable!

My brick went very well on Saturday. I didn't start until 1:45, which is very rare for me. Usually, on the weekends (or most days), I'm taking my nap at that time. I was sooo nervous, my stomach was churning. I just had no idea what to expect with the new bike, attempting a ride I've never done before, and by myself. I hopped on my new ride and took off. Getting into the aero position was new for me, but all in all it felt so good, effortless really. I did get sore in places that I haven't known and new muscles were being taxed, due to the position change, but I was pleasantly surprised. I rode the Carter Lake Loop, for 46 miles, all by myself...amazing. Once I got to the lake, I had a moment and realized that I am the person, doing the things I always wanted to do. Wow. I cannot believe this is me. Just incredible!

When I started the run, I was a bit skeptical if I could do it all (10 miles), but I started in a nice zone 2 clip. After the warm up, I managed 3 zone 3 repeats, with a 2 minute walking break after each. It felt actually really good and did it in an overall pace of 9:20...good for me, especially after all I did before that. So, again, surprising myself seems to be the order of the day. I'll take it!

Stabilizer week coming up!

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