Friday, March 5, 2010

So Happy

So....I deserve a big, monstrous, round of applause...I changed my own tire on the road!! Yes, me! And, I didn't get mad or throw things or even cry. I very matter of factly took my tire off (rear tire, too. I know, wow!) pulled out the supplies and got to work. I am so incredibly proud of myself. And, to congratulate, I cut my ride short by 7 miles. I know I deserve more..I'll crack out the coffee here in a minute. I am so satisfied.

The day didn't start out this great though. We are heading out of town, to Angel Fire, to ski and see family. Mornings for this "non-packing mom" really suck for my kids. I called them pigs (because they leave their stuff everywhere) and wasn't very nice. Guess I have some making up to do.

On another note, my Week #22 is wrapping up very well. I just love my new mind set and it has really played out in my workouts this week. Today was supposed to be a 35 mile tempo ride, but cut it to 28 miles. I was not just proud of myself for the tire change but for even going outside. Even now, it's only 40 degrees, and the wind picked up nicely as I was headed east...brrrr. I decided a nice warm shower, blog and lunch was deserved by me. My final workout will be tomorrow in the 8.5 tempo run. I do love to run there and I work really hard since we're at a higher altitude. I should have no problem achieving my 2 x 1.5 mile zone 4 repeats, but I probably won't feel too great about them. Oh well.

So, the run down for the week was:

1000 tempo swim (supposed to 1750, but child was in other pool for swim lessons and I couldn't finish)
28 mile ride (in basement)
11 mile run
65 mile long ride (supposed to have a 3 mile run after, but didn't)
2150 swim (completed creatively)
28 mile tempo ride (supposed to be 35)
8.5 mile tempo run

As you can see...a very full week, but a good week. I gave it my best effort and am looking forward to a little time on the slopes, very patiently helping my children ski (not gonna happen), or maybe I'll just stay home and read. Whatever happens, I am ready for week #23.

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