Friday, February 19, 2010


I am cooked. Stick a fork in me...shred me up, serve me for dinner. I am toast. This is the first week where I've really questioned not so much fitting in the workouts, but will my body be able to handle this? It is the end of two weeks of build, one more workout tomorrow, a nice brick (41 mile ride/8.5 mile run), then onto my rest day Sunday. Next week is Stabilizer..couldn't come too soon!

Thankfully, once I commenced my workouts this week, they flowed nicely and I had the energy to complete everything in the plan, give or take a few minutes. My swim today was felt so good to stretch out in the water and just move..watching the black line. It was actually very therapeutic.

I am back to wanting to approach all of this with gratitude. I want to use each workout as a opportunity to say "Thanks" to God, worship him, and bring people and circumstances to him as they come to mind. I hope to move some of the focus from myself and my pain/planning/fatigue to the hopes and needs of others. We'll see how it goes...I'll let you know. It has been hard the past couple days as I've been so tired and the kids have suffered my wrath, shall I say. They seem to be the recipients of my frustration. I have once again been humbled and will seek to try different methods.

Tonight a few of us are getting together to celebrate Eric's Birthday. Happy 38 years! It should be fun to gather and reconnect. Week #20 almost over...yay. I am halfway hard to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I am faithfully reading (I have you on my RSS feed) and cheering you on from afar. This post reminded me of my labor preparation & experience. God ended up using breathing to my prayer...reflection on the breath of God moving in and out of my life and those of He brought to mind. I was the way I got through labor and a tremendously powerful experience. May your time be just as inspired! ***Hugs from Seattle!***
