Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This week is going well so far. It's nice to have it be somewhat normal...meaning, not having to pile workouts in because of travel or Holidays. The kids are still home, but that's worked out just fine. I went for a 7.5 mile run this morning. Started out toasty warm (32 degrees), then dropped by 10 degrees during. The freezing weather is back, but only for a couple of days. It's a great day to light a candle, do some baking and prepare the kids for the return to school tomorrow.

Eric and I watched Food, Inc. the other night in my quest to get my head out of the sand. Wow! Needless to say we have really taken the information to heart and are working towards making positive food changes for the environment, people, animals and our family. We have a great responsibility, I believe.

So, with the New Year, onto a new challenge. It's good...I'm happy to do's been a long time coming.

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