Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moving On

What week am I on? Week 16 already? I made it through Week 15, definitely not on my own strength. I got it all in...even with the bumpy start. It is so good to be moving on.

We had a wonderful weekend...went to Grand Lake with friends and skiied on Saturday. Skiing is a struggle for me. We're not quite there as a family. Andrew was done with ski school an hour and a half in. Nothing like forking out $100 for misery. Anyways, my ski game is a struggle because I'm so fearful it will affect or hurt my training (think injury). I hope it's something we can do as altogether someday, but it's tough right now. I just have to keep in mind that my goal and priority in my exercise realm is Ironman.

I ran 6 miles while in Grand Lake. I love running because of where it takes me physically and mentally. It is so refreshing to be out there just enjoying the beauty, alone with my thoughts (or lack thereof). It is a great break for me.

I had a nice conversation with my coach regarding my feelings last week. He said many experience difficulty during stabilizer weeks...maybe it is that break our bodies need, so it manifests in emotional ways also. Who knows. It's just good to know I'm not alone. I am still not sure if I'm embracing this IM...the only thing I need to think about is today. I rode on my trainer this morning while cringing at The Bachelor and hopefully will convince Andrew of the joys of going to childcare, so I can swim at the Rec. Center. We'll see.

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