Monday, May 3, 2010

Thoughts on a Gloomy day

Well, I was one-third of a mile into my 17 miler today and received another call from school. My poor little guy was in a car accident on his way to preschool with my friend and her daughter. Fortunately everyone's OK. A guy ran the red light at Airport Rd and Nelson and broadsided the car, just a couple feet from Andrew's door. He has a little bump on his forehead from hitting the window, but otherwise, seems fine.

Nothing like a close call to remind me of my priorities.

I shined my run for the day and called it...I don't need to be a super hero.

I am super grateful for God's Provision.

I love my life and the people in it.

Life can change in a split's always good to be reminded.

Ironman is a great goal, but it is not defining me.

Tomorrow is a new day and I am praying for a better one.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear about your friend's car accident but I am really glad no one was hurt. I am often reminded by y son of the good things in life. He always seems to have accidents that force me to be thankful for what I have!
