Saturday, December 26, 2009


It was a wonderful Christmas Day. I think I was more excited than the kids were. I just love being able to give them some of the things they have really wanted and then to experience their gratitude and grace on the other side. It's a priceless thing for a parent when our kids express a "Thank You" or "That's OK, Mom, I understand". Wow. It's a true example of how our imperfect parenting is rewarded with these fabulous moments. That is True Grace!

My Week #12 wound up fine. I was scheduled to complete a short brick today (20 mi ride/3 mi run) but opted instead to run for about 5 miles. It was a beautiful, snowing morning and I needed some time alone to process the events of the past few days. Nothing helps me do that like a run in the snow. No GPS, no Heart Rate Monitor, no watch...just the dog, my Yaktrax, gloves, and hat. It was a magical run and a reminder of why I run.

I am so grateful for my relatively simple life right now. My Christmas season was relaxed (for the most part), full of family time and gratitude. I hope to carry this sense into the New Year, particularly in light of IM training. This next week I want to reflect on the past year and take stock. Praise myself for a job well done and be honest with myself about things that need some attention. I will be prayerfully intentional in this and hope that God will meet me clearly on this one. It looks like the kids are going home with Grandma and Grandpa from Monday to Thursday, so this will give me a great opportunity. So... a rest day tomorrow and then on to Week #13!!

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