Saturday, December 26, 2009


It was a wonderful Christmas Day. I think I was more excited than the kids were. I just love being able to give them some of the things they have really wanted and then to experience their gratitude and grace on the other side. It's a priceless thing for a parent when our kids express a "Thank You" or "That's OK, Mom, I understand". Wow. It's a true example of how our imperfect parenting is rewarded with these fabulous moments. That is True Grace!

My Week #12 wound up fine. I was scheduled to complete a short brick today (20 mi ride/3 mi run) but opted instead to run for about 5 miles. It was a beautiful, snowing morning and I needed some time alone to process the events of the past few days. Nothing helps me do that like a run in the snow. No GPS, no Heart Rate Monitor, no watch...just the dog, my Yaktrax, gloves, and hat. It was a magical run and a reminder of why I run.

I am so grateful for my relatively simple life right now. My Christmas season was relaxed (for the most part), full of family time and gratitude. I hope to carry this sense into the New Year, particularly in light of IM training. This next week I want to reflect on the past year and take stock. Praise myself for a job well done and be honest with myself about things that need some attention. I will be prayerfully intentional in this and hope that God will meet me clearly on this one. It looks like the kids are going home with Grandma and Grandpa from Monday to Thursday, so this will give me a great opportunity. So... a rest day tomorrow and then on to Week #13!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas, McDonalds, Presents, Etc.

With Christmas on the horizon, I thought it would be a good idea to give an update. Training has gone marvelously this week. I love these stabilizer weeks especially when they fall on busy weeks (like Christmas).

Our time at home has been very quiet, so it worked nicely to bribe the kids with a movie and ride in the basement. My rides this week (22 and 23 miles) have involved watching "Supersize Me". I must admit that I haven't wanted to watch it because I do like my McD's. For many many years I did not allow myself to eat McDonalds, so about 8 years ago I brought it back in (not sure why) and often nothing will satisfy like a cheeseburger and fries. Granted, I'm one of those that doesn't need a ton so maybe the movie wasn't made for people like me, but as a Registered Dietitian, I wonder if I should change my stance. My thinking has been to allow it and have it when desired so it's not a big deal when it happens, then eventually one may lose the frequent taste for it. This documentary has revealed to me that this thinking may not be possible with our average American. What are your thoughts?

We have fun plans tonight for dinner with friends, on to church, then home for brownie/ice cream sundaes and opening of the pajamas. Don't tell the kids, but they are each getting a Snuggie. I think this is probably the gift I am most excited about. Every time we go to the store they point out the Snuggies.

I am proud of myself this Christmas. I have kept my expectations in check. I even stopped myself from vacuuming today, knowing it was a colossal waste of time, considering tomorrow it will be piled with paper, ribbon, tape, crumbs. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast, crackers and cheese for lunch and lasagna for dinner. Easy peasy.

Many, many wishes out to all of you for a blessed and wonderful Christmas. I am grateful for each and every one of my readers: family, friends and others. Thank you for wanting to read my thoughts. It makes me happy.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week #11 recap

My week #11 has ended on a good note. I managed to get in my required bike riding, running, and all but one short little itty bitty swim. I feel good about how it all shook out, considering the final week of school before Christmas. Next week is a stabilizer. At this point I think I will do okay, but one never knows the week of Christmas.

I watched "The Kiterunner" last night. I remember being impacted by the book, but not quite like this. I am floored by the evil perpetrated around the world. I have been praying lately that God would move my heart. I think he's doing it. I'm trying to be okay with being uncomfortable rather than plugging my ears and singing, "La la la la la" over and over again. I am trying not to feel impotent and useless, but rather take it all to the Lord in prayer and give it to him.

Believe it or not, I am short on words today. Merry Christmas to all of you. Enjoy your Sunday!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This week is progressing nicely with training. I am grateful for the workouts I've been able to accomplish. Monday was a 6.5 mile run, into the wind. Fortunately I had my friend T. to keep me from crying and turning around. She and I have such a nice time together. Tuesday was a ride in the basement for 80 minutes. That was awesome because I was able to catch up on the Biggest Loser Finale. I'm so happy that Danny won. Today I braved the December chill and rode my bike outside for 25 miles. I thought it was warmer than it was, so I've been cold all day! It was a good ride and I'm so glad it's over.

On to the next part of my day. Picking the kids up from school and enjoying the afternoon with no plans! Gotta love having no plans. I relish that this time of year when things can easily go nuts with the schedule and routine. Just two more days of school then they are home for 3 weeks...that scares me. We'll see how the workouts fit in then....or not.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I rarely know what I'm going to say before I start typing. Most of my blog posts are streams of consciousness that becomes solidified in some form, by very little doing of my own.

I finished up week #10 very well considering the crazy weather we had upon us. I took Saturday off after my Friday brick and went against my "no Sunday workout" rule, and did a 6 mile run. It was lovely with lots of starts and stops...there is still tons of ice everywhere, especially on the neighborhood streets. Plus, I'm feeling like an awful dog owner, so it meant running for four miles then returning home to get my poor pup for the last two.

I am hopeful about the upcoming week. I have the plan all mapped out, but have learned to put very little stock into that. The Bible verse I claimed last week was, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6). I have loved that passage for a long time, but the promise took brand new meaning for me last week as I tried to fit it all in.

We watched The Nativity Story last night with the kids. I love that movie and how it brings to life all that Mary and Joseph went through...the opposition, judgment, fear, uncertainty, bring that little baby into the world in the most humble of ways. What a picture to see the shepherds, the outcasts of society, at the birth of our Lord. I am reduced to tears each and every time I consider it. Our God is so good, so perfect, that he knew exactly what we needed those 2009 years ago. I am so very grateful to know Him and claim His promises for all eternity. I am feeling equal parts blessing and longing this Christmas season. I wait in expectation for the Lord's return, but yet I feel so privileged to share in the promise and do my very best to live my life accordingly.

I hope this time for all of you is a chance to reflect on God's goodness and love while we navigate together the paths opened before us, no matter what they are. I pray you will all experience his grace and mercy in new and fresh ways.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I just needed to write

I just wanted to write about the past couple of days...nothing terribly profound. I had a rough one yesterday with the kids that involved some interesting facebook posts, plus some curse words directed at them. I woke up very humbled this morning. I do have wonderful children, but somedays they should not be left alone with me, nor should we even be near one another.

Today was better as far as the kids are concerned. I watched my tongue and blood pressure. Andrew and I made it to the Rec Center for a swim. He agreed to go to child care for me so I could get my workout done, then he would join me afterwards. We made it to the parking lot and a very kind gentleman pointed out that my front tire was hissing and losing air very quickly (keeping in mind it's only 10 degrees outside). He offered to change my tire but I insisted "no". So, I called my husband and he took care of it for me while Andrew and I went about our plan. I am such a fortunate soul to be married to such a generous, capable man.

We had a great swim, grabbed McD's for lunch, had rest time, then Eric informed me at 2 P.M. that he needed to leave for the airport at 2:15 to fly to Connecticut. Poor guy. The minute he told me all of the weekend plans flashed through my head. Workouts? Hmmm. Book club? Hmmm.

I am reminded that there are no guarantees when it comes to this training thing. I have to do the best with what I have and trust that the rest will follow. It's tricky sometimes resting in that. I feel like this whole training week has been a struggle. Again, take advantage of the opportunities I have when I have them.

I will attempt my brick tomorrow while A. is in preschool...hopefully I can fit it all in...root for me please. At least it will be warmer...yahoooo!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby it's COLD outside...

I know it is all everyone is talking cold it is outside, but it's all we can think about. Everything is affected: schedules, clothing, food, workouts, vitamin D needs, energy levels of busy kids, school pick up and drop off, finding lost gloves. I love cold weather. I actually get disappointed when the temperatures start to rise because I love the excuse to hunker down, eat, drink hot beverages, and rest. After about a week, though, it gets a bit old.

Training for an Ironman is tricky when the weather is frigid. Fortunately, my generous husband rounded up a trainer for me, so I can get my rides done indoors. Swimming is not a problem...except for the part where I have to peel off twenty layers to get my swimsuit on and hop in the water...brrr. Running is where the rub is. I don't have a treadmill, nor do I have easy access to one, nor do I want one. I want to run outside every chance I get because it cleans me out: body, mind and soul. Since the warm up is supposed to happen tomorrow I will pile my three scheduled runs into the next three days. Not a biggie at this point, just so grateful to have other options and Yaktrax.

So far this week I have completed two bike rides (in the basement) and one swim. Left on the docket is: another swim, two runs (6.5 and 4 miles), and a brick (28 mile ride/5.5 mile run). There you have my next three days where workouts go....then I'm done with week #10...a quarter of the way through. Time is flying!

Enjoy the day, stay warm everyone!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Week #9 Ramblings

Today is one of those mornings where I am just plain tired. It's been a busy week of Christmas shopping, holiday concerts, parties, and workouts. Granted, it is a stabilizer week so my training is lesser than usual. I woke up this morning thinking that I would just "put off" my swim for later in the weekend. Then I realized...this is nothing. I so need to push through my fatigue and do the workout. It's only going to get harder from here. I'm not injured or in pain or sick...just a little tired. Do it while I have the chance!!

My training week is coming along nicely, a couple rides, one run, two swims (after today), and a 24 mile ride tomorrow...which will have to be on the trainer. It's freezing outside.

Last night we celebrated my husband's sixth Christmas party for his businesses. It was a wonderful time to reflect on the past years and see the people and families represented around the table. I am so grateful and proud of his hard work, diligence, and heart. We have seen firsthand God's work.

So, onto another day and weekend. I am reminded of the amazing joy of this season as I look at our Christmas tree, filled to the brim with ornaments; the snow outside; and the warmth of our home. Hopefully I can maintain this spirit once the kids wake up. That's the real trick!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Sooooo...week #8 was a bit of a different story. Holiday weeks are always tricky because there is the tender balance of achieving the training goal, completing the workouts, and spending time with the people you love the most. Thanksgiving week was all planned out...I was going to fit in at least one swim and two bike rides before going to New Mexico for the rest of the week on Tuesday. I love running there so I thought I would save those. Come Monday morning I woke up feeling nasty...some stomach bug I contracted, via food or virus I have no idea. It rendered me rather useless, aside from caring for the kids (home from school for the week). I laid around for the day, somewhat debating whether or not I should just hop on my trainer in the basement...NOT. Anyways, I managed a tempo ride on Tuesday morning, then we headed out of town. I completed my runs (no pun intended) in Angel Fire and had a wonderful time by myself, running in the gorgeous mountains. We came home on Saturday and I did the scheduled brick (24 ride/5 mile run) on Sunday before church. I could not believe how great I felt!

On another note, I have been struggling internally for the past month or so with contentment and self worth (nothing new for me) as evidenced by my blog posts. My time in Angel Fire with God really brought me some healing and answers. It was priceless. One of the questions I asked him in my prayer time was, "When the voices are swirling how do I know which one is yours?" I felt this very clear response, which was, "Mine is the quietest one". Wow!! It blew me away....He is so good! I love how I can wrestle and struggle, then finally surrender, and he comes in in his sweet and perfect time to give the answer I so desperately needed.

My Thanksgiving was perfect in every way! I was filled with rest, gratitude, time with family, laughter, and a full heart (and tummy).