I cannot believe that I have had enough to say for a year to warrant 100 posts. Yikes. When I began the blog I was terrified of my writing ability, expressing myself, and potentially failing. Well, I suppose if one is honest and speaks his/her mind, there really isn't the opportunity to fail. I may lose readership, but whatever.
So, this weekend, yesterday and today, for 16 total hours, Eric and I attended training through Boulder County to serve in the area of foster parenting, respite care or fost-adopt. We have one more day of training next weekend, but it is nice to have 2/3 behind us. We are not 100% certain, in what capacity we will serve, but we are going down the path to be better informed, fully understanding what we are getting ourselves and our family into.
I can definitely say, at this point, that my heart has been opened. I have moments of fear and concern, but these are countered by equal parts desire to provide a difference in the life of a child who has done nothing to deserve their situation but be born. I look at my own three peeps and think about how truly "easy" their little lives are. They don't live in a state of survival or fear (for the most part, except for the two days/month I should be certified clinically insane). They have cozy beds, painted rooms, great clothes, ample food, safe community and schools, advocates, teachers of faith, love, and grace, etc. They are supervised, questioned, disciplined, accounted for and rewarded. Many of these children who need homes just need to know they are safe. All children (and adults for that matter) are entitled to food, shelter, safety, and love. Do we all receive this? If we did...what would the world look like? Boulder County? Longmont?
My heart is certifiably broken. I am humbled beyond measure. I am floored by the hearts of people in our community. I am blessed to see the need and know that I can play a part, no matter how small, in making a difference. Am I scared? Yes. Do I know what I'm doing? No. Am I trusting? Yes. Is God faithful? Absolutely. Who knows where all this will lead, but I am excited and incredibly grateful, once again.
6 Notes from SDX 2018
6 years ago